Friday 5-26-17

*Please note, the gym will be closed Saturday 5-27-17 and Sunday 5-28-17. Some of you may have heard that the jogger who was killed Tuesday night in Wakulla was a friend of ours.  There is a memorial service for Paul Hoover on Saturday and we will not be able to open the gym.  Please use these two days to hydrate and rest up for “Murph”.  sorry for the inconvenience.


50 double unders

3 rounds

10 hang cleans 45/35

10 push-presses 45/35

10 OHS 45/35

2 min rest

For time:
1,000m row


10 overhead squats 135/95

500m row

50 burpee box jump overs 24/20

5 overhead squats 135/95

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