Wednesday 3-10-21

The CrossFit Games open is right around the corner. Please consider signing up and participating. The open this year will consist of three workouts, released one per week. The first one comes out this Thursday night. Each workout has to be completed and submitted by the following Monday by 8:00pm. We will program the open wods on Saturdays. The entry is 20 bucks, to sign up, go to Also, for anyone interested, there is also a judges course for 10 bucks. We can always use more judges. If you have any questions, please ask.



400m run

3 rounds

10 pushups

10 situps

10 squats

2vmin rest


on a continuously running clock, do one pull-up in the first minute, 2vin the second, three in the third, continuing as long as you can, use as many sets as you want, but reps must be completed within the minute.

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