Thursday 2-21-19


400m run

3 rounds

10 deadlifts 45/35

10 power cleans45/35

10 burpees

2 min rest


20 min AMRAP

100 double unders

25 pushups

10 power cleans 135/95

The CrossFit open starts today, sign up if you are at all interested.

Here is the schedule for the games.

Thursday February 21st, we will have a watch party starting immediately after the 6:30 pm class, the announcement will be at 8:00pm.

Friday February 22nd Friday Night Lights at 850 CrossFit. We will for the first time, have people competing go head to head starting Friday night at 7:30 pm. I will have regular programming all day, and then for whoever wants or needs to get in a judged open workout, come at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there.

Saturday February 23rd, I will hav the open workouts programmed for the regularly scheduled class at 10:00am.

**Also, anyone who is interested in taking the judges course, please do so, we can always use more judges. You don’t have to have a Level-1 credential to take the judges course.

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