in teams of two,
40 box jump overs 30/24
200 ft hand stand walk
40 barbell lunges 185/125
20 muscle ups
40 hang power cleans
20 front squats 185/125
40 syncro bar facing burpees
*scaled version available
muscle up skills 5 min
3-5 reps per partner
-false grip ring rows
-leg assisted rings to chest
-muscle up transition to floor
-floor muscle up
6 min AMRAP
5 synchro box step ups
1 wall walks or bear crawl
5 synchro lunges
3 muscle up transitions
5 toe touch and jump
Barbell review 8 min
-hang power clean
-front squat
then, 3-5 reps each of:
-hang power cleans
-front squat
-hang power cleans
handstand scaling options
3 rounds increasing load to wod weight
5 front squats
5 muscle ups or variant
:10 handstand walk or variant