Saturday 2-11-17

In teams of two,WOD 11-RM Clean
In six minutes find your one-rep max barbell clean. 
WOD 2 – Change the Station-This One Sucks! 
With a running 9-minute clock
Loads shown throughout this page are always male intermediate/female intermediate – male novice & masters / female novice & masters


Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Kettlebell (KB) Swings (American) (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Box Overs (24in male/20in female)
2 rounds – 1 minute rest between rounds

WOD 3 – Press ‘n’ Pull ‘n’ Tuck ‘n’ WOD
With a 7-minute running clock


30 Shoulder-to-Overhead*
115/75 – 75/45 
*10 Air-squat penalty every time the bar is dropped 

Score 3: Time to complete.


AMRAP with the remaining time of: 
3 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
3 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115 
6 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
6 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115 
9 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
9 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115 
*Athletes add 3 reps to each exercise for rounds completed with any remaining time (12, 15, 18 etc) 

Score 4: Total reps


500 m row for time

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