Thursday 6-8-17


500 m row

Use the first 250 to warmup, then do a sprint to see what your fastest sprint is.

Use your fastest sprint time as a starting point.

3 rounds

10 SDLHP 35/25

10 Am. kB swings 35/25

10 goblin squats 35/25

Rest 2 min


On the C2 rower:

Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible

Rest 3 minutes

Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible

Rest 3 minutes

Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible

Rest 3 minutes

Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible

Rest 3 minutes

Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible

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