Saturday 8-24-24
3 rounds for time:
120 double-unders
1,000-m row
800-m run
3 rounds for time:
120 double-unders
1,000-m row
800-m run
2:00 at each station for 5 rounds:
A) :30 max-reps toes-to-bars
B) :30 max-reps overhead squats 135/95
C) :30 max-cal row
-1:30 min rest each station
“Pit Stop”
For time:
21 deadlifts 315/225
15 hang power cleans 225/155
9 squat clean thrusters 135/85
10 rounds for time:
100-m double-KB farmers carry 53/35
3 wall walks
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
200-m run
7 pull-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 bar muscle-ups
As many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 wall-ball shots 20/14
15 double-unders
– After each completed round, add 5 wall-ball shots and 15 double-unders
For time:
50 box jump-overs 24/20
40 hang power snatches 75/55
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Step down from the box
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
30 front-rack reverse lunges 95/65
20 push presses
10 bar muscle-ups
– Share work as desired
18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
Squat cleans 135/95
Lateral burpees over the bar
Every 3:00 for 5 rounds:
50 double-unders
Handstand walk (25 ft)
– Rest remainder of each round.
– Score is slowest round.