Friday 12-17-21
5 rounds with a partner
50 double unders (each)
50’ single arm overhead walking lunge 50/35
5 rounds with a partner
50 double unders (each)
50’ single arm overhead walking lunge 50/35
5 rounds
10 strict HSPU
20 GHD situps
light “Linda”
For Time:
Deadlift (body weight)
Bench Press (3/4 body weight)
Squat Clean (1/2 body weight
half 5k
run 2.5k for time
half “Chelsea”
15 min EMOM
10 pullups
15 pushups
20 squats
5 rounds
5:00m to complete
200m run
10 candle sticks
10 ball slams 20/14
10 burpees
200m run
extended “Elizabeth”
power cleans 135/95
ring dips
Long “Jackie”
1000/800m row
50 thrusters 45/35
30 pullups
750/600m row
25 thrusters 45/35
15 pullups
500/400m row
15 thrusters 45/35
9 pull-ups
”double Isabel”
60 snatches 135/95