Sunday 8-4-24
20 rounds for time with a partner:
7 push presses 115/75
100-m run
7 burpees
– One partner completes a full round at a time before switching for 10 rounds each
20 rounds for time with a partner:
7 push presses 115/75
100-m run
7 burpees
– One partner completes a full round at a time before switching for 10 rounds each
For time:
50 power cleans 135/95
– At the top of every minute, perform 10 box jumps 24/20
– 10:00 time cap
For load:
Back squat
For time:
500-m row
20 pike push-ups 24/20
500-m row
35 hand-release push-ups
500-m row
50 push-ups
500-m row
3 rounds for time:
10 hang power snatches 95/65
2 rope climbs
200-m run
4 rounds for reps:
1:00 plank hold
1:00 single-DB box step-ups 24/20 in 50/35
1:00 deadlifts 225/155
– No rest between rounds.
15 double-DB front squats 50/35
50 double-unders
12 strict pull-ups
50-ft handstand walk
– 5 ft of handstand walking = 1 rep.
10 calories row
8 ring dips
6 single-arm Russian KB swings/arm 53/35
5 rounds with a partner:
60 double-unders, each at the same time
50 burpees, total at the same time
400-m run, together
30 alternating single-leg squats, split reps as needed with partner
5 power cleans 205/135
10 toes-to-bars