Saturday 11-27-21
10 min AMRAP
:30 L sit hold
10 odd object cleans
10 min AMRAP
:30 L sit hold
10 odd object cleans
20 min AMRAP
50 double unders
100ft walking lunge
100ft bear crawl
*the gym is closed today for thanksgiving, but we have an easy wod for home if you’d like
**we will be open for one hour tomorrow, Friday 11-26-21 10:00am
run 35 min for distance, every 15 min stop and do 15 burpees
overhead squats
7 min AMRAP
7 box jumps 30/24
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
30 rounds for time
5 wall balls 20/14
3 hspu
1 power cleans 225/155
14 min AMRAP
20 double unders
:20 hollow holds
add 20 reps and :20 every round
3 rounds
1:00 GHD situps
1:00 walking lunges
1:00 bar muscle ups
*no 6:30pm class on Fridays through the holidays
10 rounds
1 power snatch 185/125
3 overhead squats
*starting this week, we will not have a 6:30 pm class on Fridays. We will keep this schedule through the holidays.
1 mile run
2000/1600m row
1 mile run