Thursday 11-18-21
*starting this week, we will not have a 6:30 pm class on Fridays. We will keep this schedule through the holidays.
1 mile run
2000/1600m row
1 mile run
*starting this week, we will not have a 6:30 pm class on Fridays. We will keep this schedule through the holidays.
1 mile run
2000/1600m row
1 mile run
power cleans 95/65
strict press
20 min AMRAP
20 med ball cleans 20/14
60 double unders
deadlifts 275/185
strict ring dips
1200/900m row
80 toes to bar
10 rope climbs
every 4:00 for 7 sets
200m sprints
**in honor of Veteran’s day, we will have one class at 10:00am
13 rounds
8 strict pullups
26 box step-ups 24/20
21 burpees
-wear a vest if possible 20/14
-in teams of two, splitting reps
back squats
5 rounds
50ft handstand walk
150ft db front rack carry 50/35
200m backward run