Monday 11-8-21
power cleans 135/95
bar facing burpees
power cleans 135/95
bar facing burpees
15 min AMRAP
25/18 cal row
25 GHD situps
15 box jumps 30/24
there won’t be a 6:30 pm class Friday 11-5-21
12 min AMRAP
5 front squats 185/125
10 chest to bar pullups
20 double unders
6 rounds
2 push-jerks + 1 split jerks
20 min AMRAP
2 muscleups
4 hand stand pushups
8 kb swings 70/53
150 air squats
50 v-ups
120 air squats
40 v-ups
90 air squats
30 v-ups
on a 27 min clock
9 min EMOM
1 snatch
9 min EMOM
1 clean
9 min EMOM
1 deadlift
increasing weight across all sets
4 rounds
every 5 minutes
bike 1600/1200m
15 min AMRAP
25 toes to bar
50/35 cal row
75 pushups
50 box jumps
25 pull-ups
run one mile for time