Tuesday 10-19-21
3:00 handstand hold
100 squats
50m handstand walk
100 squats
30 hspu
3:00 handstand hold
100 squats
50m handstand walk
100 squats
30 hspu
back squat
shoulder press
60 toes to bar
*at the beginning of every minute, perform 12 burpees
in teams of two
200 box step ups 24/20
150 kb swings 70/53
-partner holds kb in front rack while partner does step ups
-partner holds an L sit while partner does kb swings
30 min EMOM
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
-if you fall behind the clock, go for rounds
5 rounds
20 GHD situps
400 run
20 pulls on the rower
15 wallball shots 20/14
row until you accumulate 2000/1600m
8 rounds
:20 muscle ups
:10 rest
:20 clean and jerks 135/95
:10 rest
partner Cameron
50 Synchro Walking Lunge Steps 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
50 Box Jumps (24/20”)
25 Triple Unders
50 Hip Extensions
25 Ring Dips
50 Knees-to-Elbows
25 Partner Wall Ball Tosses (20/14#) 50 Synchro Sit-ups
5 Rope Climbs (15-ft.)