Saturday 2-9-19
In teams of two,
30 min AMRAP
5 thrusters 95/65
5 SDLHP 75/55
One partner does the work, while the other hangs from the bar.
In teams of two,
30 min AMRAP
5 thrusters 95/65
5 SDLHP 75/55
One partner does the work, while the other hangs from the bar.
Warm up
500m row
3 rounds
10 deadlifts 45/35
10 hang cleans 45/35
10 push presses 45/35
2 min rest
5 min AMRAP
3 deadlifts 275/185
7 push-presses 115/75
Warm up
400m run
3 rounds
10 med ball deadlifts 20/14
10 med ball cleans 20/14
10 wall ball shots 20/14
2 min rest
12 min AMRAP
20 abmat situps
20 walking lunges with 50/35 in each hand
*use whatever object is available, KB or DB
2 min bike
3 rounds
10 pushups
10 situps
10 squats
2 min rest
20 min AMRAP
20 burpees
12 back squats 155/105
50 double unders
10 deadlifts 45/35
10 Hang cleans 45/35
10 push presses 45/35
2 min rest
Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push press 1-1-1-1-1
Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1
500m row
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 burpees
10 squats
3 rounds
200 m run
10 squat clean thrusters 95/65
15 kB swings 70/53
2 min rest
Open gym 2-3
In teams of two,
31 walking lunges synchronized
31 Toes to bar synchronized
31 burpees synchronized
31 calorie row each
31 burpees synchronized
31 toes to bar synchronized
31 walking lunges synchronized
2 mins on the assault bike
3 rounds
10 hang cleans 45/35
10 front squats 45/35
10 thrusters 45/35
2 min rest
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 deadlifts 45/35
10 hang snatch 45/35
2 min rest
10 min AMRAP
30 doubleunders
15 power snatches 75/55