Wednesday 2-8-17


500 m run

3 rounds

10 SDLHP 35/25

10 American KB swings 35/25

10 goblin squats 35/25


3 rounds

5-minute rounds for max reps at each station:

From 0:00-2:00, run 200 meters then double-unders

From 2:00-3:00,  dumbbell push jerks 35/20

From 3:00-4:00, pull-ups

From 4:00-5:00, dumbbell hang squat …

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Saturday 2-4-17

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1 mile run


In teams of two,

Row 750 meters, while partner holds 215/145 pounds in the Front rack position, each

50 Burpees, while partner holds 135/95 pounds Overhead, total

50 Thrusters, 95/65 pounds, while partner holds the Dip support position, total
Partners may switch during …

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