Wednesday 1-31-24
40 double-unders
10 push presses 95/65
40 double-unders
10 push presses 95/65
3 x 2:00 rounds:
12 front squats 155/105
Max burpee box jump-overs 24/20
Rest 2:00
– Step down from the box.
EMOM 12:
Odd min | 3 bar muscle-ups
Even min | max shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle = 25 ft down + 25 ft back
For load:
Front squat
3 rounds for time with a partner:
50 Russian KB swings 70/53
40 toes-to-bars
30 handstand push-ups
– One partner works at a time
For time:
12 squat clean thrusters 115/75
400-m run
9 squat clean thrusters
400-m run
6 squat clean thrusters
400-m run
5 sets for total time:
500-m row
– Rest 3:00 between sets.
5 rounds for time:
50 double-unders
10 power snatches 115/75
For reps:
3:00 of pull-ups
3:00 of push-ups
3:00 of sit-ups
3:00 of air squats
9 burpees to a target (12 in)
10 alternating single-leg squats