Wednesday 9-13-23
12 ring dips
12 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/75
For time:
2001-m run or row
11 shoulder presses 115/85
11 overhead squats
11 sumo deadlift high pulls
11 push presses
11 front squats
11 squat cleans
11 push jerks
11 back squats
11 deadlifts
2001-m run or row
– If athletes begin the WOD with a row, they finish with a run and vice versa
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
100-calorie Echo Bike
100 KB snatches 70/53
100 toes-to-bars
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time
2 rounds for time:
100-ft DB/KB walking lunges 70/53
400-m run
10 wall walks
500/400m row
– Use two DB/KBs held in a farmers carry
7 min AMRAP
max bar muscle-ups
-perform 6 burpee box jumps 24/20 at the beginning of each min, including the start
front squats
EMOM 12:
Min. 1 | 6 strict pull-ups + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats
Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders
– Score is total reps.
30 clean and jerks 135/95
We will only have one class on Monday at 10:00am due to the holiday
9-15-21-27 reps for time:
DB thrusters (20/30 lb)
– Perform 10 shuttle runs (1 run = 25 ft down, 25 ft back) at the start of each round.