Saturday 8-5-23
5k run
5k run
30 clean and jerks 135/95
3 rounds
400m run
21 kb swings 53/35
12 pull-ups
10 rounds for time:
9 toes-to-bars
3 wall walks
calorie row
-perform 15 wall ball shots at the end of each row 20/14
7 muscle-ups
7 devils presses (35/50 lb)
– Use two DBs.
EMOM 24:
1: Strict knees-to-elbows
2: Handstand walk
3: Legless rope climbs (starting seated on the floor)
4: Rest
– Score is total reps
For time with a partner:
50-calorie row
50 box jump-overs 24/20
50 deadlifts 185/125
50 wall-ball shots 20/14
50 ring dips
50 wall-ball shots
50 deadlifts
50 box jump-overs
50-calorie row
Time cap: 21:00
7 rounds for max reps:
1:30 to accumulate:
4 shoulder presses 135/95
4 front squats
4 thrusters
AMRAP lateral burpees over the barbell
1:30 rest
8 min AMRAP
8 left arm single db front rack step back lunges 50/35
8 right arm single db front rack step back lunges 50/35
48 double unders