Tuesday 5-16-23
For time:
Alternating single-leg squats
Strict ring dips
For time:
Alternating single-leg squats
Strict ring dips
4 rounds for reps:
1:00 calorie row
1:00 Russian kettlebell swings (53/70 lb)
1:00 burpees
1:00 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)(9/10 ft)
1:00 rest
closed for Mother’s Day. See you tomorrow.
For time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
3 rounds
50 up-downs
1:00 L-sit hold (accumulated)
4 left-arm DB Turkish get-ups (25/35 lb)
4 right-arm DB Turkish get-ups
16 DB walking lunges
– Use one DB.
run/row 5k or bike 10k
squat snatches 115/75
3 wall walks after each set
15 min AMRAP With a partner
10 muscle ups
200m run with a partner
One partner works at a time during M.U.
3 rounds for time:
18-calorie bike/row
21 alternating single-arm DB hang power snatches (25/35 lbs)
24 lateral DB jump-overs