Friday 4-7-23
16 min EMOM
even minutes, max handstand hold
odd minutes, max L-sit holds
score is total cumulative time
16 min EMOM
even minutes, max handstand hold
odd minutes, max L-sit holds
score is total cumulative time
6 x 2:00 rounds
5 deadlifts 70% or higher, same load for all 6 rounds
max muscle ups
1:00 rest between rounds
score is load and number of muscle ups
12 min AMRAP
500/400m row
15 pullups
10 ohs 115/75
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
50 double-unders
1 devils press (35/50 lb)
2 devils presses
3 devils presses
2 devils presses
1 devils presses
– Both partners perform 50 double-unders at the same time. Then partner A performs 1 devils press, partner B performs 1 devils press, partner A performs 2 devils presses, partner B performs 2 …
7 rounds
1 front squat + 3 back squats
10 wall walks
1000/800 m row
10 wall walks
with a partner
30 snatches 75/55
30 synchro bar facing burpees
24 snatches 95/75
24 synchro bar facing burpees
18 snatches 115/75
18 synchro bar facing burpees
12 snatches 125/85
12 bar facing burpees
jumps to target 12”
ghd hip extensions
ring rows
30 min AMRAP
800m run
40 walking lunges
20 GHD situps
100m db farmers carry 35/25 (2db)
3 rounds
50/37 cal row
25 bench presses 135/95