Sunday 2-26-23
3 rounds for reps
1:00 box jumps 24/20
1:00 double kb push presses 53/35
1:00 sit-ups
3 rounds for reps
1:00 box jumps 24/20
1:00 double kb push presses 53/35
1:00 sit-ups
We will be doing 30 min heats starting at 9:30, two athletes per heat. Please sign up in the gym or text me. The times are start times, pleas arrive before your time to warm up. Please feel free to come and cheer for everybody!
Complete as many reps …
on a 15 min clock
max calorie bike
-starting at 0:00 and every 3:00 after
perform 2 rounds
3 hang power cleans 135/95
6 pushups
9 air squats
power cleans
4 2:00 min rounds
24/17 cal row
handstand walk for distance
1:00 rest between sets
4 x 2:00 rounds for calories:
24 push-ups
Max calorie row
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
3 rounds
400m run
80 double unders
40 walking lunges
5 rounds
15 deadlifts 225/155
:30 L-sit hold
15 min AMRAP with a partner
10 shoulder-to-overhead 155/105
15 synchronized bar facing burpees
14 min AMRAP
60 cal row
50 toes-to-bat
40 wallball shots 20/14
30 cleans 135/95
20 muscle-ups
3 rounds with partner
60 Russian kb swings 70/53
800m run
split up work as needed, during the run, resting partner holds kb in front rack.