Thursday 9-15-22
12 min AMRAP
2000/1750m row
max reps front squats 205/135
12 min AMRAP
2000/1750m row
max reps front squats 205/135
5 rounds
15 push-jerks 95/65
12 chest-to-bar pullups
9 sdlhp 95/65
bench press
5 rounds
every 5 minutes
15/12 cal bike
12 hang power cleans 135/95
15 lateral burpees over the bar
12 alt front rack lunges 135/95
5 rounds
3 min AMRAP
3 bar muscleups
5 double db deadlifts 50/35
7 box jump overs 24/20
1:00 rest
3 rounds
24 back squats 135/95
18 push-presses
5 rounds
:30 L-sit holds
:30 plank hold
:30 chin-over-bar holds
:30 plank hold
3 rounds
1000/800m row
for each stroke, do 2 double-unders
clean and jerk
7 rounds
10 burpees to target (6 inches)
20 situps