Sunday 8-21-22
10 min AMRAP
35 double unders
7 db thrusters 50/35
10 min AMRAP
35 double unders
7 db thrusters 50/35
3 rounds
30 GHD situps
20/14 cal bike
10 ring rows
sumo deadlifts
5 rounds
20 box jumps 24/20
16 single kb lunges 70/53
12 chest-to-bar pullups
*must step off of box
30 clean and jerks 135/95
30 snatches 135/95
5 rounds
400m run
1:00 min max burpee + pushup
front squats 155/105
cal row
*17-13-8-13-17 ladies
10 rounds for time:
9 toes-to-bars
3 wall walks
For time with a partner:
200-m DB farmers carry (35/50 lb)
800-m run
200-m DB front-rack carry
40 DB man makers
200-m DB front-rack carry
800-m run
200-m DB farmers carry
– One partner works while the other partner rests, partition reps, carry and run distances as needed.
6 rounds
6 power snatches 115/75
9 overhead squats
12 box jump overs 24/20