Wednesday 4-6-22
10 rounds
400m run
500/400m row
1000/800m bike
2:00 min rest between sets
10 rounds
400m run
500/400m row
1000/800m bike
2:00 min rest between sets
split jerks
5 rounds
20 pullups
400m run
150 wallball shots 20/14
15 bar facing burpees
5 clean and jerks 155/105
12 bar facing burpees
4 clean and jerks 155/105
9 bar facing burpees
3 clean and jerks 155/105
15min AMRAP
15 db rows left arm 50/35
15 db rows right arm 50/35
50 foot hands stand walk
back squats
10 min AMRAP
15 deadlift 135/95
15 hand release pushups
25/18 cal row
20 ghd situps
5 bar muscle ups
25/18 cal row
20 toes to bar
5 bar muscle ups
25/18 cal row
20 pistols
5 bar muscleups
25/18 cal row
20 walking lunges
5 bar muscle ups
snatches 135/95
burpee box jump overs 30/24