Friday 4-22-22
15 min EMOM
min 1 15/12 cal bike
min 2 10 box jumps 24/20 +10 burpees
min 3 rest
15 min EMOM
min 1 15/12 cal bike
min 2 10 box jumps 24/20 +10 burpees
min 3 rest
4 rounds
30 pistols
15 SDLHP 115/75
on a 32 min clock,
from 0-18,
bench press
2:00 rest
20-32 min
1 mile run
”Tommy V”
21 thrusters 115/75
12 rope climbs
15 thrusters
9 rope climbs
9 thrusters
6 rope climbs
*no 9:00 am class on Monday, all other classes will be at the normal times.
db snatches 50/35
-perform 12 toes-to-bar and 50 double unders after each round
The gym will be closed for Easter.
See you Monday!
Roaming Diane
21 deadlifts 225/155
21-m handstand walk
15 deadlifts
15-m handstand walk
9 deadlifts
9-handstand walk
3 rounds
1:00 per station
wallball shots 20/14
sdlhp 75/55
box jumps 20”
push presses 75/55
row for cals
hang power cleans
Strict handstand push-ups
– Complete 21 sit-ups after each set.
Strict ring dips
– Complete 21 sit-ups after each set.
– Complete 21 sit-ups after each set.