Friday 1-21-22
5 rounds
21/15 cal row
12 burpee box jump overs 24/20
1 legless rope climb
5 rounds
21/15 cal row
12 burpee box jump overs 24/20
1 legless rope climb
2 rounds
50 situps
60 banded good mornings
70 pistols
7 rounds for load
1 thruster/push press/push jerk/split jerk
wallball shots 20/14
15 min AMRAP
1 deadlift 275/185
50m run
2 deadlifts
100 m run
3 deadlifts
150m run
continue adding 1 deadlift and 50m run each round
10 rounds
1:00 row
:15 sec rest
:30 shoulder press 95/65
:15 rest
30 toes to bar
1.5 mile run
30 toes to bar
1.5 mile run
30 toes to bar
10 min AMRAP
3 OHS 115/75
30 double unders
30 double unders
30 double unders
-continue adding 3 reps to the OHS each round
power cleans
12 min AMRAP
7 box jumps 30/24
14 kb swings 70/53