Monday 7-15-19
400m run
3 rounds
10 burpees
10 walking lunges
10 squats
2 min rest
4 rounds
25’ left arm overhead walking lunges 50/35
25’ right arm overhead walking lunges 50/35
25 abmat situps
400m run
3 rounds
10 burpees
10 walking lunges
10 squats
2 min rest
4 rounds
25’ left arm overhead walking lunges 50/35
25’ right arm overhead walking lunges 50/35
25 abmat situps
Open gym 2-3
In teams of two,
Buy in: 1 mile run
Then, for time and reps
-team double grace 135/95
Each team mate does 30 reps for time, break up how ever you want,
2 minutes at each station, max reps 1 min per team mate
American kB swings …
2 min bike
3 rounds
10 kB swings 35/25
10 SDLHP 35/25
10 goblin squats 35/25
2 min rest
3 rounds
50 double-unders
400m run
500m row
400m run
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 ring rows
10 burpees
2 min rest
3 rounds
10 dB power snatch left arm 50/35
10 dB overhead squat left arm 50/35
10 pull ups
10 dB power snatch right arm 50/35
10 overhead squat right arm 50/35
500m row
3 rounds
10 dB deadlifts 35/25
10 dB hang cleans 35/25
10 alt dB snatch 35/25
2 min rest
Front squats
50 doubleunders
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 squats
2 min rest
5 rounds
5 deadlift 255/175
10 burpees
400m run
3 rounds
10 deadlifts 45/35
10 hang cleans 45/35
10 front squats 45/35
7 min AMRAP
50 double unders
10 Overhead squats 115/75
Open gym 2-3
In teams of two,
50 Air Squats
60 Box Jumps
50 Wall Balls
50 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
50 burpees
Only one Partner can work at a time. Partners can break up reps as desired. Reps should be shared equally