Monday 12-18-17
400m run
3 rounds
10 power snatch 45/35
10 shoulder presses 45/35
10 push jerks 45/35
2 min rest
5 rounds for time of:
15 left-arm dB snatches 50/35
15 right-arm db snatches 50/35
10 pull-ups
250-m …
400m run
3 rounds
10 power snatch 45/35
10 shoulder presses 45/35
10 push jerks 45/35
2 min rest
5 rounds for time of:
15 left-arm dB snatches 50/35
15 right-arm db snatches 50/35
10 pull-ups
250-m …
Open gym 2-3
In teams of two, working one at a time, rest as needed between movements
5 minutes to complete max reps of:
-ground to over head 75/55
-calories rowed
-American KB swings 53/35
-back extensions
-deadlifts 185/135
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 push-ups
10 burpees
2 min rest
40 wall-ball shots 20/14
Run 1 mile
40 wall-ball shots 20/14
500m row
3 rounds
10 lunges
10 squats
10 thrusters 45/35
2 min rest
Back squat 3-3-3-3 reps
Thruster 3-3-3-3 reps
4 attempts at a max L-sit hold for time
400m run
3 rounds
10 med ball deadlifts 20/14
10 med ball cleans 20/14
10 wallball shots 20/14
2 min rest
For time:
20-calorie row
20 clean and jerks 165/115
20-calorie row
This one is going to be …
50 double unders
‘Burgenor warm-up”
Hang snatch
* these are unbroken triples, increase slowly, if you have to drop or can’t complete 3 reps, decrease the weight and repeat the round.
500m row
3 rounds
10 deadlifts 45/35
10 hang snatch 45/35
10 snatch balance 45/35
2min rest
3 rounds
Run 400 meters
15 pull-ups
50 squats
15 pull-ups
Open gym
In teams of two,working one at a time, half all work
2 rounds
3 minutes of rope climbs
3 minutes of squats
3 minutes of push-ups
3 minutes of deadlifts 225/155
3 minutes of row for distance
3 minute rest