Friday 2-9-24
For time:
100 wall-ball shots 20/14
400-m run
200-ft DB overhead walking lunge 50/35
– Use one DB.
For time:
100 wall-ball shots 20/14
400-m run
200-ft DB overhead walking lunge 50/35
– Use one DB.
5 rounds for time:
25 Russian KB swing 53/35
100-m KB carry
– Use one KB.
For time:
Squat snatches 134/95
For load:
Clean and jerk
– Rest 3:00 between sets
For reps:
4 x AMRAP 3:
75 double-unders
25 burpees
Max-rep toes-to-bars
– Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs
10 rounds for time:
10 hand-release push-ups
5 single-arm KB push jerks, right 53/35
5 single-arm KB push jerks, left
10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls 53/35
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
100-m farmers carry 53/35
200-m run
30 KB goblet squats 53/35
– Partners complete each run together and split goblet squats and farmers carries as desired.
5 rounds for time:
25 KB swings 53/35
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
use the same load across all sets
40 double-unders
10 push presses 95/65