Monday 12-23-24
open wod 23.1
60-cal row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots 20/14
30 cleans 135/95
20 ring muscle-ups
open wod 23.1
60-cal row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots 20/14
30 cleans 135/95
20 ring muscle-ups
“Twelve days of Christmas”
12 rounds for time, starting with 1 and adding a movement each round:
1 wall walk
2 candlesticks
3 burpees
4 push-ups
5 walking lunges
6 air squats
7 sit-ups
8 jumping squats
9 jumping lunges
10 broad jumps
11 handstand push-ups
12 pistols
Perform the workout like the “12 Days of Christmas” song. In round 1, …
For time:
Accumulate 6:00 of a pull-up bar dead hang hold
– Each time you drop from the bar, complete 100 double-unders and 30 V-ups
”Peek a Boo”
4 squat cleans 185/125
12 pull-ups
Straight into…
10:00 to establish:
1 heavy squat clean
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-walking lunges
3:00 rest
3:00 max-walking lunges
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal row
– 5 feet of handstand walking is 1 rep.
For time:
400-m run
30 lateral burpees over the bar
20 clean and jerks 115/80
For time:
500-m row
30 toes-to-bars
30 overhead squats 115/80
500-m row
1 rep on the minute of:
Min 0-5: snatch high pull
Min 6-10: hang power snatch
Min 11-20: power snatch
– Score is the heaviest load for each section
3 rounds for time:
400/500-m row
12 deadlifts (bodyweight)
21 box jumps (20 in)
For time with a partner:
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
– One partner works while one rests. Partition the run efforts and toes-to-bar sets as needed.