Sunday 1-21-24
For time:
60/45 cal row
21 push jerks 95/65
60/45 cal row
15 push jerks 115/75
60/45 cal row
9 push jerks 135/95
For time:
60/45 cal row
21 push jerks 95/65
60/45 cal row
15 push jerks 115/75
60/45 cal row
9 push jerks 135/95
4 rounds for time:
21 deadlifts 155/105
5 strict pull-ups
50 thrusters 95/65
50 toes-to-bars
50 box jumps 24/20
50 ring dips
400-m run
25 double-unders
400-m run
50 double-unders
400-m run
75 double-unders
400-m run
100 double-unders
– Add 25 double-unders to each round.
– 100 m of running = 1 rep
**rowing will be an option due to the weather.
For time:
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Alternating DB snatches 50/35
5 rounds for time:
20 push presses 75/55
20 alternating front rack lunges
We will have one class at 10:00am
For load:
Hang squat cleans
** Monday 1-15-24 we will only have one class at 10:00am due to the federal holiday.
EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | 3 bar muscle-ups
Min. 2 | :45 max distance handstand walk
For time with a partner:
800-meter run
80 KB swings 53/35
80 KB walking lunges
800-meter run
– Run together, and split KB work as desired.
10 rounds for time:
8/10-calorie row
10 burpees