Saturday 10-14-23
EMOM 21:
Min. 1 | 10/15-calorie Echo bike
Min. 2 | :20 L-sit hold
Min. 3 | max reps bar muscle-ups
EMOM 21:
Min. 1 | 10/15-calorie Echo bike
Min. 2 | :20 L-sit hold
Min. 3 | max reps bar muscle-ups
For load:
Front squats
– Increase loading on each set as you build to a 10-rep max.
DB devils presses 35/20
– Perform 10 x 50-ft shuttle runs after each set
3 sets for total time:
1000/800m row
– Rest 3:00 between sets
With a partner
3 rounds for time:
800-m run with a medicine ball 20/14
24 power snatches 155/05
– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.
– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.
– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees …
5 sets:
On a 1:30 clock:
30 plate hops (4 in)
15 KB goblet squats 70/53
Max steps walking lunges in the remaining time.
– Rest 1:30 between sets.
5 rounds for time:
500-m row
5 squat cleans 205/145
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
200-m DB farmers carry 50/35
20 double-DB front squats
20 double-DB push jerks
20 double-DB box step-ups 24/20
– Partners split work as desired. Both traverse the farmers carry distance, trading off the dumbbells as needed.
– Score is total reps accumulated between partners.
5 sets:
On a 3:00 clock:
1 legless rope climb
10 ring dips
Max cal row in remaining time
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time: