Wednesday 12-25-24
Merry Christmas
The gym will be closed today, see you tomorrow.
Merry Christmas
The gym will be closed today, see you tomorrow.
Gym is closed today and tomorrow
open wod 23.1
60-cal row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots 20/14
30 cleans 135/95
20 ring muscle-ups
“Twelve days of Christmas”
12 rounds for time, starting with 1 and adding a movement each round:
1 wall walk
2 candlesticks
3 burpees
4 push-ups
5 walking lunges
6 air squats
7 sit-ups
8 jumping squats
9 jumping lunges
10 broad jumps
11 handstand push-ups
12 pistols
Perform the workout like the “12 Days of Christmas” song. In round 1, …
For time:
Accumulate 6:00 of a pull-up bar dead hang hold
– Each time you drop from the bar, complete 100 double-unders and 30 V-ups
”Peek a Boo”
4 squat cleans 185/125
12 pull-ups
Straight into…
10:00 to establish:
1 heavy squat clean
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-walking lunges
3:00 rest
3:00 max-walking lunges
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal row
– 5 feet of handstand walking is 1 rep.
For time:
400-m run
30 lateral burpees over the bar
20 clean and jerks 115/80
For time:
500-m row
30 toes-to-bars
30 overhead squats 115/80
500-m row
1 rep on the minute of:
Min 0-5: snatch high pull
Min 6-10: hang power snatch
Min 11-20: power snatch
– Score is the heaviest load for each section