Monday 12-26-2
the gym will be closed today, we will reopen Tuesday, with normal hours.
rest day.
the gym will be closed today, we will reopen Tuesday, with normal hours.
rest day.
the gym will be closed today.
Merry Christmas!
the gym will be closed until Tuesday, but in the meantime…..
try this!
150 hand release pushups
120 air squats
for time,
3-2-1 GO!
** Reminder, we will be closed Saturday Sunday and Monday, normal hours will resume on Tuesday December 27th.
75 power snatches 75/55
5 rounds
2:00 for reps
25/18 cal row
max double-unders
2:00 rest
15 db burpee box overs 50/35 24/20
15 deadlifts 185/125
15 overhead squats 115/75
15 ring muscle ups
-2 db for the burpees
** this week only… 5:15 am class. We will have 6:30pm classes
12 min AMRAP
50ft handstand walk
20 toes-to-bar
10 push-jerks 155/105
For time:
150-ft DB walking lunges (35/50 lb)
50 alternating DB hang snatches
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB hang power cleans
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 lateral hops over DB
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB deadlift
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.
15 min AMRAP
12 ring muscleups
9 Turkish getups 53/35
20 min AMRAP with a partner
partner 1 300/250 m row
partner 2 12 hang power snatches 115/75
partners switch after the row and the snatches are completed
partners perform 5 synchronized bar facing burpees before rotating