Saturday 3-25-23
5 rounds
200m run
15 wallball shots 20/14
10 toes-to-bar
5 rounds
200m run
15 wallball shots 20/14
10 toes-to-bar
1 rep max deadlift
for time:
30 box jump overs 24/20
20 shoulder to overhead 135/95
10 rope climbs
5 rounds with a partner
20 front squats 115/75
30 kb swings (American is Rxd)
40 partner med ball sit-ups 20/14
-split work on squats and swings, one works at a time
-sit-ups are alternating
row 2000m for time
30 air squats
20 burpees to target (6 inch)
10 chest to bar pullups
10 min AMRAP
2 hang power clean and jerks 155/105
4 box jumps 24/20
8 pushups
4 x 4:00 rounds for reps, with a partner
400m run
40 double-unders
max cal row
rest 1:00 between rounds
partners run together, complete 40 dubs at the same time, then alternate on rower.
“The Seven”
7 rounds for time:
7 handstand push-ups
7 thrusters (95/135 lb)
7 knees-to-elbows
7 deadlifts (165/245 lb)
7 burpees
7 KB swings (53/70 lb)
7 pull-ups
10 ring muscle ups
150 ft db overhead walking lunge 35/25
1000/800m row
150 ft db overhead walking lunge 35/25
10 ring muscle ups