Saturday 1-21-23
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
50 calorie bike or row
100 KB swings (53/70 lb)
20 wall walks
– Split work as needed; 1 partner works at a
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
50 calorie bike or row
100 KB swings (53/70 lb)
20 wall walks
– Split work as needed; 1 partner works at a
calorie row
chest-to-bar pullups
On a 12 min clock,
dumbbell squats 50/35
bar facing burpees
with the remaining time,
1 rep max clean
15 min AMRAP
1:00 handstand holds
1:00 L-sit holds
15 shoulder presses 95/65
15 GHD sit-ups
7 rounds
5 strict weighted pull-ups
5 strict weighted ring dips
We will only have one class today at 10:00 Am
2 alternating single-leg squats
2 box jump-overs (20 in)
4 alternating single-leg squats
4 box jump-overs
6 alternating single-leg squats
6 box jump-overs
– Continue adding 2 reps to each movement until time expires.
**on Monday January 16th, for MLK, we will only have one class at 10:00AM
With a partner,
1600m run
1200m odd object carry
1600m run
-split the carry into 200m increments
-split the carry as needed
3 rounds for time:
30/40 calorie row
20 deadlift (155/225 lb)
10 burpee pull-ups
– Rest 1:00 between rounds
10 rounds
9 thrusters 95/65
35 double unders
For time:
Hand-release push-ups