Thursday 12-22-22
5 rounds
2:00 for reps
25/18 cal row
max double-unders
2:00 rest
5 rounds
2:00 for reps
25/18 cal row
max double-unders
2:00 rest
15 db burpee box overs 50/35 24/20
15 deadlifts 185/125
15 overhead squats 115/75
15 ring muscle ups
-2 db for the burpees
** this week only… 5:15 am class. We will have 6:30pm classes
12 min AMRAP
50ft handstand walk
20 toes-to-bar
10 push-jerks 155/105
For time:
150-ft DB walking lunges (35/50 lb)
50 alternating DB hang snatches
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB hang power cleans
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 lateral hops over DB
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB deadlift
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.
15 min AMRAP
12 ring muscleups
9 Turkish getups 53/35
20 min AMRAP with a partner
partner 1 300/250 m row
partner 2 12 hang power snatches 115/75
partners switch after the row and the snatches are completed
partners perform 5 synchronized bar facing burpees before rotating
** next week Dec 19-23rd, we will have holiday hours. We will have classes at 6:00AM, 9:00AM and 5:30PM.
back squats
shuttle runs
12 DB box step-ups (25/35 lb) (20 in)
12 DB deadlifts
100-ft DB farmers carry
12 squat cleans
1 legless rope climb
10 squat cleans
1 legless rope climbs
8 squat cleans
1 legless rope climbs
6 squat cleans
1 legless rope climbs
4 squat cleans
increase loading across each set of squat cleans