Saturday 11-12-22
3 x AMRAP 3:
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/115 lb)
20 GHD sit-ups
Max calorie bike in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
3 x AMRAP 3:
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (75/115 lb)
20 GHD sit-ups
Max calorie bike in the remaining time
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
**. We will only have one class today at 10:00 am
1000 box step ups 45/35. 20”
1000/800m row
100m kb carry 53/35
1000/800 m row
20 kb Turkish getup 53/35
1000/800m row
100 air squats
deadlifts 225/155
12 min AMRAP
400m run
8 db squats 50/35
30 double-unders
every 2:00 for 3 sets
1 bench press
every 2:00 for 3 sets
3 bench presses
every 2:00 for 3 sets
5 bench presses
30 single-arm kb overhead lunges 53/35
30 knees to elbows
30 situps
30 kb snatches 53/35
30 situps
30 knees to elbows
30 single-arm kb overhead lunges
7 rounds
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
you may power or squat clean, push or split jerk, but the complex must be unbroken
5 rounds
2 min to complete:
20/14 cal row
10 lateral burpees over the rower
max chest-to-bar pull-ups
rest 1:00 between rounds
5 rounds
11 front squats 135/95
55 double unders