Saturday 10-1-22
2 rounds with a partner
50 kb swings 70/53
60 box jump overs 24/20
70 synchronized walking lunges
2 rounds with a partner
50 kb swings 70/53
60 box jump overs 24/20
70 synchronized walking lunges
5 rounds
1:00 max shoulder pressee
1:00 max strict muscleups
2:00 rest
double unders
100 alt single leg squats
50 thrusters 115/75
25 hang power snatches 115/75
30 min AMRAP with a partner.
max distance row
50 air squats
27 ring dips
50 air squats
21 ring dips
50 air squats
15 ring dips
50 air squats
9 ring dips
5 rounds
10 alt db snatches 50/35
50 ft db overhead carry left
50 ft db overhead carry right
*** No 6:30 pm class tonight
5 rounds
400m run
30 box jumps 24/24
30 wallball shots 20/14
overhead squats
10 min AMRAP
15 GHD situps
20/14 cal bike