Monday 11-25-24
15 ring dips
1,000-m row
15 ring dips
750-m row
15 ring dips
500-m row
15 ring dips
1,000-m row
15 ring dips
750-m row
15 ring dips
500-m row
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 185/125
Hang power cleans
Front squats
3 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 walking lunges
30 pull-ups
Start at 15:00 and go to completion:
3 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
20 wall-ball shots 20/14
20 toes-to-bars
– Run together; split the remaining work evenly
open workout 22.1
3 wall walks
12 DB snatches 50/35
15 box jump-overs 24/20
– Step down from the box.
3 rounds for time:
50 double-unders
40 sit-ups
30 push-ups
20 single-leg squats
10 rounds:
3 hang power snatches
– Lift every 2:00.
– Build in load if technique allows.
Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:
15 burpees over the rower
Max-cal row
– Rest 2:00 between rounds
2 ring muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 KB swings 70/53
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Max-cal on rower
– From :00-5:00 and 10:00-15:00, the non-working partner holds a plank.
– From 5:00-10:00 and 15:00-20:00, non-working partner hangs from a bar.
– Partners can only accumulate calories if their partner is holding or hanging.
3 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts 155/105
10 burpees over the barbell
Straight into…
3 rounds for time:
10 front squats 155/105
10 burpees over the barbell