Monday 2-28-22
5 strict muscle ups
50 double-unders
4 strict muscle ups
40 double unders
3 strict muscle ups
30 double unders
2 strict muscle ups
20 double unders
1 strict muscle up
10 double unders
5 strict muscle ups
50 double-unders
4 strict muscle ups
40 double unders
3 strict muscle ups
30 double unders
2 strict muscle ups
20 double unders
1 strict muscle up
10 double unders
open wod 22.1
15 min AMRAP
3 wall walks
12 db snatches 50/35
15 box jump overs
GHD sit-ups
Wall-ball shots 20/14
back squats
3 rounds
200m run
20 knees to elbows
200m run
20 db thrusters 40/25
weighted pullups
10 rounds with a partner
20 double unders
20/14 cal row
20 double unders
-alternate rounds with a partner
-5 per partner
4 rounds
20 squat cleans 115/75
800m run
30 rope climbs