Saturday 6-11-22
For time:
1,600-m run
150 double-unders
50 burpees
800-m run
100 double-unders
35 burpees
400-m run
50 double-unders
20 burpees
For time:
1,600-m run
150 double-unders
50 burpees
800-m run
100 double-unders
35 burpees
400-m run
50 double-unders
20 burpees
For time:
50 GHD hip extensions
20 kipping pull-ups
25 GHD hip extensions
20 kipping pull-ups
50 single-leg squats
20 kipping pull-ups
25 single-leg squats
20 kipping pull-ups
**no morning classes.
5:30 and 6:30 pm will be the only classes today.
sorry for any inconvenience.
3 rounds
2:00 rope climbs 15’
1:00 weighted situps 20/14 (med ball)
1:00 bike
1:00 rest
** no morning classes will be held on Thursday 6-9-22
5 rounds
12 hang power clean and jerks
9 thrusters
6 power snatches
9 min AMRAP
15 kb swings 70/53
50’ handstand walks
overhead lunges
front rack lunges
back rack lunges
15 min AMRAP
box jumps 24/20
calorie row or bike
continue to add 3 reps each round until time expires
3 x 5:00 rounds for reps:
200-m farmers carry (16/24 kg)
Then as many reps as possible of:
5 push-ups
10 KB squats (16/24 kg)
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
– Use a single KB for farmers carries and squats.
2018 regional wod #4
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches 135/95
12 bar-facing burpees
2 rounds for time:
10 snatches 95/65
12 bar-facing burpees