Saturday 1-5-22
5 rounds
2:00 to complete,
400m run
max overhead squats 95/65
5 rounds
2:00 to complete,
400m run
max overhead squats 95/65
freestyle “Diane”
45 deadlifts 225/155
45 hspu
partition any way you want
60 situps
50 toes-to-bar
40 ghd situps
30 pullups
20 strict pullups
10 bar muscleups
1:00 squat cleans 95/65
3:00 rest
1:00 squat cleans 115/75
3:00 rest
1:00 squat cleans 135/95
3:00 rest
1:00 squat cleans 95/65
3:00 rest
1:00 squat cleans 115/75
3:00 rest
1:00 squat cleans 135/95
400m run
1:00 rest
800m run
2:00 rest
1200m run
3:00m rest
1600m run
5 rounds
2:00 to complete,
20 db box step ups 50/35 20/20
max db push-press 50/35
2:00m rest
overhead squats
snatch balances
hang squat snatch
3000/2100m bike
75 kb swings 70/53
1000/800m row
60 wallball shots 20/14
800m run
45 pullups
5 rounds
1:00 hand stand holds
21 toes-to-bar
back squats