Thursday 1-6-22
3 rounds
100 double unders
50 db snatches 50/35
25 pull-ups
3 rounds
100 double unders
50 db snatches 50/35
25 pull-ups
back squats 165/110
5 rounds for distance:
1:40 on / :20 off
-Rest 2:00
4 rounds for distance:
1:40 on / :20 off
– Row, bike, ski, or run
5 min AMRAP
1 squat clean 1 jerk 165/105
20min AMRAP
4 db thrusters 50/35
6 toes-to-bar
24 double unders
17 min AMRAP
40 burpees
30 snatches 75/45
30 burpees
30 snatches 95/65
20 burpees
30 snatches 135/95
10 burpees
max snatches 155/105
We will have one class today at 10:00AM
Happy new year!
partner 12 min AMRAP
12 gymnastic pullups
12 HSPUs
-split reps with partner
4 rounds
400m run
30 good mornings 75/55
3 rounds
max unbroken toe 2 bar
max unbroken ring dips
max distance broad jump
2000/1600m row
CrossFit total
1 rep max back squat
1 rep max strict press
1 rep max deadlift