Friday 12-3-21
in teams of two,
6 rounds
21/15 cal bike or row
21 box jumps 24/20
21 situps
alternate full rounds ( 3 each)
in teams of two,
6 rounds
21/15 cal bike or row
21 box jumps 24/20
21 situps
alternate full rounds ( 3 each)
for load:
muscle snatch
power snatch
squat snatch
3 rounds
500/400m row
21 pushups
12 strict toes-to-bar
5 min EMOM
5 thrusters 75/55
5 min EMOM
5 thrusters 95/65
5 min EMOM
5 thrusters 115/75
*continue to add 20#/10# every 5 min
as long as you can complete 5 thrusters in each 5 min EMOM
21 deadlifts 225/155
400m run
15 deadlifts
400m run
12 deadlifts
400m run
9 deadlifts
400m run
10 min AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20
15 push jerks 95/65
20 cal bike
10 min AMRAP
:30 L sit hold
10 odd object cleans
20 min AMRAP
50 double unders
100ft walking lunge
100ft bear crawl
*the gym is closed today for thanksgiving, but we have an easy wod for home if you’d like
**we will be open for one hour tomorrow, Friday 11-26-21 10:00am
run 35 min for distance, every 15 min stop and do 15 burpees
overhead squats