Saturday 4-18-20
WOD #3 open fundraiser
50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 AbMat sit-ups
50 box step-ups
50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters
50/35-lb. DBs, 24/20-in. box
20 min time cap
WOD #3 open fundraiser
50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 AbMat sit-ups
50 box step-ups
50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters
50/35-lb. DBs, 24/20-in. box
20 min time cap
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 burpees
10 mountain climbers
2 min rest
3 rounds
400m run
100 doubleunders
20 thrusters 45/35
*do air thrusters if you don’t have a bar.
50 jumping jacks
3 rounds
10 situps
10 pushups
10 squats
2 min rest
For time:
800m run
50 situps
800m run
100 pushups
800m run
150 squats
Warm up
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 burpees
10 jumping jacks
10 bottom to bottom squats
2 min rest
3 rounds
12 Turkish get ups right arm 50/35
12 Turkish get ups left arm 50/35
12 push ups
** use what ever weight you have for the …
400m run
3 rounds
10 jumping lunges
10 sec bottom of squat holds
10 jumping jacks
2 min rest
3 rounds
20 walking lunges
30 squats
40 double unders
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 burpees
10 walking lunges
2 min rest
3 rounds
10 pushups
10 situps
10 pushups
10 situps
*Run-400m/row-500m/bike-3 min.
*choose one
Rest day
Happy Easter!
2021 open fundraiser wod #2
100 double unders
21 burpees
75 double unders
15 burpees
50 double unders
9 burpees
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 burpees
10 jumping lunges
2 min rest
Run and/or walk 5000m 30 min time cap
25 jumping jacks
3 rounds
10 walking lunges
10 burpees
10 sec plank
2 min rest
7 rounds
3 forward rolls
5 wall climbs
7 toes to bar
9 box jumps 30/243
**Scaling options,
-wall climb only as high as you are comfortable
-do situps …