Saturday 9-7-24
On a 15:00 clock:
50 bar-facing burpees
50 wall-ball shots 20/14
800-m run
Max-reps hang squat cleans in the remaining time 185/125
On a 15:00 clock:
50 bar-facing burpees
50 wall-ball shots 20/14
800-m run
Max-reps hang squat cleans in the remaining time 185/125
10 push presses 115/75
10 kettlebell swings 53/35
10 box jumps 24/20
Front squats
For time:
10 wall walks
1000/800 m row
10 wall walks
**10:00 AM only
6 rounds for time:
24 air squats
24 push-ups
24 walking lunge steps
400-m run
For time:
Accumulate 1:00 freestanding handstand hold
100-meter double-KB front rack carry (35/53 lb)
50 double-KB push presses
Single-KB overhead walking lunge (100 ft)
Accumulate 1:00 plank hold
– Use the same load for all kettlebell movements. Switch arms as needed on the overhead walking lunge
** Monday for Labor Day, we will have one class at 10:00 am.
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
30-cal row
20 burpees over the rower
10 power cleans 155/105
For time:
30 Russian KB swings 53/35
150 double-unders
30 Russian KB swings
150 double-unders
30 Russian KB swings
200-m run
10 handstand push-ups
15 wall-ball shots 20/14