Sunday 1-5-20
Open gym 2:00-3:00
Open gym 2:00-3:00
We’re going to break out the WOD dice and see what we can dial up.
** Jill and I are going to start the Whole 30 on Monday 1-6-20. If any of you are interested let me know.
500m row
3 rounds
10 SDLHP 35/25
10 KB swings 35/25
10 goblin squats 35/25
2 min rest
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 ring rows
10 walking lunges
10 deadlifts 45/35
2 min rest
12 min AMRAP
1 pull-up, 2 push-ups, 3 squats
2 pullups, 4 pushups, 6 squats
3 pullups, 6 pushups, 9 squats
The Gym will be closed today.
Travel WOD,
5 rounds
200m run
10 air squats
10 pushups
** if you’re unsure about your distance, here’s an old infantry trick.
My pace count for 100m is 66. This means mark a start line, start with your left foot, every time …
** Reminder—— Tuesday we’ll only have Morning classes, no afternoon classes.
** We will be closed on Wednesday.
500m row
3 rounds
10 hand release pushups
10 situps
10 squats
2 min rest
30 min EMOM
1-Front squat
**Tuesday 12-31-19, we will only have morning classes, no evening classes,
**Wednesday 1-1-20 we will be closed.
400m run
3 rounds
10 hang snatches 45/35
10 ohs 45/35
10 deadlifts 45/35
2 min rest
12 min AMRAP
1 snatch 135/95
3 clean and jerks 135/95
30 double …
Open gym 2:00-3:00
In teams of two,
3 rounds
1 min per station
-thrusters 95/65
-row for cals.
-wall ball shots 20/14
-SDLHP 75/55
*rest, all will rest at the same time.
50 double unders
3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
10 burpees
10 knee raises
5 rounds for load
Complete the complex consisting of:
1 deadlift
2 hang cleans
3 push jerks