Saturday 10-22-16

“Scooter”On a 35-minute clock with a partner:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

30 double-unders

15 pull-ups

15 push-ups

100-meter sprint
Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift

For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full …

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Monday 10-17-16


500 m row

3 rounds

10 jumping jacks

10 box step ups 24/20

10 push-ups


For time:

10 box jumps 30/24

10 muscle-ups

20 kettlebell snatches, 35/25

20 one-legged squats, alternating

30 toes-to-bars

30 overhead squats, 75-lb. barbell

40 GHD sit-ups

40 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball

50 burpees

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