Monday 10-2-23
3 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots 20/14
20 deadlifts 115/75
20 box jumps 24/20
20 push presses 115/75
20 toes-to-bars
Rest 1:00
3 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots 20/14
20 deadlifts 115/75
20 box jumps 24/20
20 push presses 115/75
20 toes-to-bars
Rest 1:00
Every 3:00 for 10 rounds:
250-m row
– Score is slowest time.
For time:
50 pull-ups
400-m run
21 thrusters 95/ 65
800-m run
21 thrusters
400-m run
50 pull-ups
For time:
40 box jump-overs 24/20
20 handstand push-ups
30 box jump-overs
15 handstand push-ups
20 box jump-overs
10 handstand push-ups
10 box jump-overs
5 handstand push-ups
– Step down from the box.
400m run for time
Every 1:30 for 6 rounds:
16 single-leg squats
10 GHD sit-ups
Max burpees
– Rest 1:30 between rounds
5 rounds for time:
15 push jerks 95/65
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
EMOM 20:
2 thrusters
– Barbell starts on the floor. Add weight every 5:00
5 rounds for time:
75 double-unders
20 alternating DB snatches 50/35
20 min EMOM
odd min max cal row
even min accumulate :20 sec L-sit hold