Thursday 7-13-23
For time with a partner:
1,000-m row
400-m weighted front carry (70/100 lb)
100 GHD sit-ups
400-m weighted front carry
1,000-m row
– Use a pair of DBs, KBs, a sandbag, or a D-ball held on the front side of the body for each carry.
For time with a partner:
1,000-m row
400-m weighted front carry (70/100 lb)
100 GHD sit-ups
400-m weighted front carry
1,000-m row
– Use a pair of DBs, KBs, a sandbag, or a D-ball held on the front side of the body for each carry.
For time:
Deficit handstand push-ups
Double-DB deadlifts (50/70 lb)
– Touch all 4 heads of the DBs to the floor.
89-ft double-KB overhead walking lunge (35/53 lb)
10 min AMRAP
12 box jumps 30/24
3 rope climbs
3 rounds for time:
15 thrusters (65/95 lb)
400-m run
calorie row
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
8 DB step-ups (35/50 lb)(20 in)
8 DB squat cleans
– One partner completes a round, while the other rests; switch.
– Use two DBs for both movements
12 deadlifts 155/105
12 bar-facing burpees
2007 games event 1
for time:
1000m row
5 rounds
25 pullups
7 push jerks 135/95
shoulder presses
10:am class only today
6 rounds
24 squats
24 pushups
24 walking lunges
400m run